2019 - ongoing


2019 – ongoing

Nest security camera system, cloud-based software, private access, peer-to-peer viewing network, c-stands
Dimensions Variable

A live-streaming camera network sets a series of contextual, technological and spatial proximities from multiple viewing positions. Remote viewers can ‘stand’ in the groupings singularly, yet with an unknown amount of others.

The scalable project shifts the system of codes by subverting the technological apparatus to translate the human condition and resist power, surveillance and marginalization.

PUBLICS resists dominant surveillance power dynamics by redistributing control to the surveilled, reclaiming its codified intentionality to relay intersubjective translations of being-in the-world.

As a series of parallel futures and histories, layered proximities –  to the viewer; viewer-to-viewer – PUBLICS redefines the spatial relationship of encounters, where time and space are deconstructed, and our fragmented reality is negotiated through the lens of a participatory state of exile.

PUBLICS was part of knowledges, a group exhibition at the Spencer Museum of Art consisting of artists whose practices are rooted in research. Danielle Roney was included to continue her decades-long advocacy for migrant human rights and the impact of technology on a mechanized cultural identity.


Spencer Museum of Art
Lawrence, Kansas
August 24, 2019 – January 5, 2020

PUBLICS was funded with support by the Mellon Foundation, the Andy Warhol Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Subsequent Views included: Upfor Gallery, Portland OR, 03.03 – 06.18.2020


descripción de audio de PUBLICS